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Got started with Windows 8 Enterprise evaluation, then learn these limitations


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Image representing Windows 8 Logo
Image representing Windows 8 Logo

If you have already got your hands with Windows 8 Enterprise edition, the 90 days evaluation of which was announced by Microsoft earlier today, the you need to learn necessary limitations of this program in a whole. So, learn the limitations of Windows 8 enterprise evaluation in official words from Microsoft. To remind you once again, Windows 8 is available on MSDN and TechNet download center already.

What you need to know before you begin.

Before you get started with installation, we want to share some important points about this release:

· If you’ve installed the Windows 8 Consumer Preview or Windows 8 Release Preview on your PC, you’ll need to back up your data and perform a clean installation of the 90-day evaluation.
· The 90-day evaluation is the full working version of the Windows 8 Enterprise, the version most of you will be working with in your corporate environment.
· The 90-day evaluation will not require a product key (it is embedded with the download), but the product will time out after 90 days of activation.
· You have 10 days to activate the product. If not activated within 10 days, the system will shut down once every hour until activated.
· The Windows To Go feature requires advanced hardware. To learn more about USB drives certified for Windows To Go, please visit www.microsoft.com/WindowsToGo.
· The 90-day Trial will shut down once every hour when you have reached the end of the 90-day evaluation period.
· The 90-day Trial is offered for a limited time and in limited quantity. The download will be available through December 31, 2013, while supplies last.
· After the 90-day evaluation expires, if you wish to continue to use Windows 8 Enterprise, please note that you will be required to purchase and perform a clean installation of Windows 8, including drivers and applications. Please keep this in mind as Windows 8 Enterprise is not available through retail channels.

Once I’ve evaluated, how do I get my version of Windows 8 Enterprise?

Windows 8 Enterprise is only available through the Microsoft® Volume Licensing program. To learn about the Volume Licensing and Software Assurance benefits, please visit the Volume Licensing information page. For more information about the Windows 8 Enterprise and the benefits for your organization, please visit the Windows Enterprise website.

Where do I go to get support?

The first place to go for information and guidance is the Springboard Series for Windows 8 on TechNet. Here you will find the right information, at the right technical level, for the right point in your adoption process. In addition to technical information about Windows 8, you’ll find tools and resources to assess the readiness of your environment, address application and hardware compatibility issues, configure a deployment image, plan out your pilot and deployment projects, and troubleshoot issues. You’ll also find community resources and topical discussions.

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