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These days we have multiple gadgets and we want our files to be omnipresent. Having remote access of your files and computer from virtually anywhere will ease your computing and performance as well. Here, we discuss ways to access your files anywhere, remotely. Remote access, remote desktop and file sharing solutions for strictly your private purposes can save your entire workspace and time. This article is not all about the cloud solution however which you can find here.
1. Using in-built remote access applications
This is one of the easiest and desired ways to access your computer and stuffs remotely. There are many free applications which can help you access your files anywhere remotely. Some of these even let you log into your remote computer just from a Web browser or an install software. You can even link up your smart phone or tablet or slate PC to interconnect with main computer using internet connection. The main applications in this category are Windows Live Mesh and Team Viewer; others are LogMeIn, UltraVNC, GoToMyPC etc.
2. Sharing files with a NAS (Network Attached Storage) Device
Assuming your need is only to access the shared files over the Internet connection, having a NAS box is a good option. Such storage devices, often considered as mini file servers, are best choices for Small Office, Home Office (SOHO) solutions and home networks which run in Ethernet cable. One central NAS box, and multiple access for remote file via FTP or Web browser or wireless networks. You can connect your iPhone, Linux Server and Windows home desktop at once to share the same file.
3. Getting online backup and syncing services do the Job
A number of third party services are growing based on cloud computing services. They are focusing mainly on cloud based online backup and content delivery system. This approach is totally to avoid hardware involved in remote file and application sharing. Most of the online backup and syncing services require user to install their own software before things go on track. This includes Mozy, Carbonite, BackBlaze while Microsoft’s Sky Drive is already integrated with Windows Live Mesh (describe above in #1), Amazon S3, DropBox, SugarSync and Minus.com are other popular services on this category. You can use many of these services basically for free, and include basic web hosting as well.
Another option not discussed here is setting up your own home server for which you can utilize your home desktop computer that otherwise is left unused. And another option is to have an external Hard Drive (HDD) to your home router from where you can remote file share by enabling the “remote file sharing” feature of your router and or the OS. Of course, you can replace that HDD with a simple USB thumb drive, just to test.
Do you want to access your Network files while being Offline, then read this.
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